
Facebook Display Change/Twitter

Being an avid user of social media I felt compelled to comment on the Facebook display change. I don't really understand why people are making such a fuss about the it through blog posts, FB petitions, and disgruntled status updates.

It's not like the entire setup of the main page was flipped upside down. The layout is remains essentially the same with most of the links in their exact same places. Quick links to pictures, events, etc. are in the left column, the news feed is in the central column, and random advertisements, people you may know, and birthdays are in the right column. 

The only changes Zuckerberg has include adding a filter to the news feed and providing easier access to update your status. Both of which are efficient improvements and fitting the trend of social media. 

I love being able to add and subtract people from my main news feed. For example, I have this one girl I didn't really like in high school who is ALWAYS on my news feed. Whether it's her stupid status updates ("Hanging with my boo right now") or her new photo albums (she's THAT GIRL who still posts pictures of herself in the mirror in skanky outfits). To be completely honest, everytime I see her on my news feed I end up looking at her profile. I know, its that whole "train wreck" scenario and I can't help myself. Now I can do something about it and not tempt myself.

The easier access to status updates is another efficient update. One of the key features of the entire website is being able to update your friends on what your doing and thinking. With the creation of Twitter more and more people are becoming accustomed to doing status updates. Since the feature is so popular and often used it only makes sense to create access from it on your main page. DONE!

If your dealing with technology and the internet you should be accustomed to its evolving nature and not be so resistant to change. 

Also, I doubt Zuckerberg is going to modify anything. He knows that the new display fits his vision of the website so he will continue to request feedback and input until everyone calms down and becomes used to the new site design. 

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